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20 legal herbs that can be vaporised in aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils for therapeutic and holistic purposes. This can be done by using a process known as phytoinhalation. Vaporisers can be used to extract and inhale essential oils from various plants and herbs. Although some people believe that this can be used to treat a variety of ailments or diseases, it is strongly recommended that a doctor and aromatherapist be consulted before self-treating with these herbs.

Remember that you can also mix herbs with cannabis to add a new aromatic element to your session.

Top 20 aromatic herbs for vaping

  1. basil: A herb commonly used to flavour food, it is also used by people to treat colds, digestive problems and improve mood. Vaping basil is ideal in the morning and afternoon. It contains linalool, which is a terpene also found in various varieties of cannabis. It vaporises best at 130 °C.
  2. blue star lily: Also known as blue lotus or holy lily, this herb contains the alkaloid apomorphine, which is considered psychoactive. Vaporisation of blue lotus produces a mild sedative effect. Please note that its possession is illegal in some countries such as Poland, Russia and Latvia. Blue lotus vaporises best at 125 °C.
  3. catnip: Believe it or not, but catnip has historically been used (by humans) in China and Europe for various health ailments. Shanta is said to produce relaxing and slightly euphoric effects when smoked. It is also believed to help improve mood and, in extreme cases, can induce giggles like marijuana. The recommended temperature for vaping is 150°C.
  4. chamomile: One of the popular herbs used in aromatherapy has always been chamomile, due to its relaxing properties. Some people use it to help them calm down and fall asleep. It should be vaporised at 125°C.
  5. coffee: that's right, even coffee beans can be vaporised. They contain caffeine, a known stimulant, and are known for their strong aroma. Coffee is evaporated as a stimulant or as a drinking alternative. The recommended evaporation temperature for coffee is 200 °C.
  6. eucalyptus: This herb is native to Australia and is said to help with stress and has antibacterial properties. Eucalyptus is also used to treat colds, lungs and lung infections. In addition to its supposed benefits, it also gives off a pleasant smell. Eucalyptus is best vaporised at 130 °C.
  7. green tea: even this traditional herb with roots in Chinese culture can be vaporised. Green tea, like coffee, contains caffeine, which is said to help with minor pains and depression. When vaporised, green tea releases more caffeine than drinking it, which is said to provide a surge of energy. Evaporation is no better at 185 degrees Fahrenheit.



  1. technical cannabis: In most states, this is the legal version of the cannabis plant, and although it is not psychoactive, it contains the cannabinoids found in CBD oil. It is usually sold as industrial hemp, but recently some companies have been selling legal hemp specifically for smoking and vaping. It vapes best at 190 to 200 °C.
  2. hibiscus: Hibiscus is known for its complex aroma and flavour and is most commonly used to make tea. It contains flavonoids, which have the effect of improving metabolism and helping to combat anxiety. Its valorisation does not produce caffeine, but the vapour contains various antioxidants and vitamin C. The recommended temperature for hibiscus is 175 °C.
  3. hops: The most well-known thing about hops is that they are the main ingredient in beer. When roasted, it can produce a mild euphoric effect. There are many different types of hops, each with its own flavour profile, and they evaporate best at 200°C.
  4. lavender: This herb has a sweet and floral scent that is popular for its calming effects. Lavender is used for pain relief and to help with insomnia. It is also said to have antibacterial properties. Lavender evaporates well at 125°C.
  5. lemon balm: It has been used to treat people with intestinal problems and internal injuries. It also relaxes muscles, improves mood and sleep. Lemon balm should be valorised at 142 °C.
  6. passionflower: another herb used for its calming properties. Passionflower provides a calming effect when valorised. It has been used in the treatment of pain and addiction. Passionflower is best vaporised at 150 °C.
  7. peppermint: Known for its fresh scent and cooling taste, peppermint provides relief for those suffering from colds and aches. It is said to give an energy boost similar to caffeine and evaporates at 170°F.
  8. thyme: This herb is usually used in cooking, but people have also used it to treat colds. It is also said to have antibacterial properties. Thyme should not be vaporised at temperatures above 150 °C.
  9. sage: Various cultures believe that sage has the ability to purify the spirit. When vaporised, it can possibly improve brain function and digestion. Sage should be vaporised at 190 °C.
  10. St John's Wort: This herb has been used as a homeopathic remedy for depression. St John's wort herb is usually taken in capsule form, but can also be vaporised at 150°C.
  11. tobacco: Vaping is another way to consume tobacco and avoid the dangers of combustion. Vaping e-liquid is a more popular approach, but tobacco can also be vaporised at 150°C.
  12. valerian: Its root has been used to help with sleep disorders, to relieve pain and to reduce stress. When vaporised, it produces an effect similar to lavender. It evaporates best at 150 °C.
  13. yerbamate: most popular in the preparation of teas and drinks. It is also used in vaping and is said to increase energy levels and improve overall mood. Yerba mate is ideally vaporised at 150 °C.

Author: Canatura



PHOTO: Shutterstock

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