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A few drops of CBD oil directly into the ear. Yes or no?

CBD is everywhere

CBD products are increasing in number and the market is bursting at the seams. A few years ago, only oils and capsules were available, but today the range is much wider and there are also sprays, patches, gum, chocolates, gummy bears, herbal blends and teas with CBD, crystals, flowers, lubricants, topical products such as creams, serums, micellar lotions or shampoos and make-up, and pet treats. Not surprisingly, more than 80% of people in the US have experience with CBD products and 15% of them use at least two at the same time. Cannabidiol is also very popular in other countries and more opportunities are being explored where it can help.

CBD is not recommended when trying to get pregnant, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and for liver or heart disease. Use concomitantly with antidepressants is also controversial. Cannabidiol needs to be further investigated to ensure that users are confident about the wide range of conditions it can actually help with. While the WHO stands behind it and confirms that it is a safe substance, and the dose that should not harm a person is as high as 1500 mg (the normal recommended daily dose is about 60 mg), this cannabinoid affects everyone differently and it is impossible to predict in advance what the body's reaction will be. 

Ear problems

Unfortunately, the ears are associated with a number of problems, such as inflammation and infection, crackling, whistling, humming, noise, discharge or burning pain.For example, otitis media. It is a health problem faced by children and adults. If there is a recurrence, repeated infections can have a negative impact on hearing quality in adulthood.

Otitis media is a pneumococcal infection. Although vaccination is available to prevent the development, the vaccine only protects against about 20% of the strains of this infection, so the potential problems cannot be completely avoided. In the beginning, you feel tension and slight pressure in the ear and prefer resting to active movement. At this stage of the disease, it is possible to drip a reasonable amount of CBD into the ear. However, if you are taking nose drops or cough syrup and pain medication at this time, discuss cannabidiol with your doctor to avoid contraindications. If high fevers and excessive drowsiness occur, the inflammation goes into an acute phase and a visit to an otorhinolaryngologist (ENT) is needed, who will prescribe antibiotics and proceed with a rupture, which will relieve the pressure in the ear and around the nose, and the fevers will subside. An "ear prick", although painful, heals quickly and is a better option than a spontaneous rupture. While the medical procedure leaves only a small needle mark, in the latter case, a scar forms on the eardrum.


Zánět středního ucha postihuje všechny, děti i dospělé. Lékaři se snaží ruptuře většinou vyhnout, ale antibiotika nevyřeší všechno. CBD by mohlo v začátku infekce pomoci.

Rules for taking CBD

Application of cannabidiol directly into the ear canal is not common, so it must meet quality, temperature and composition requirements.

How to proceed when dripping CBD into the ear:

  • CBD oil without flavour (this could irritate the inside of the ear and worsen the infection)
  • Broad spectrum CBD oil (no traces of THC, only cannabidiol, terpenes and other beneficial ingredients)
  • Small amounts, only up to 5 mg of CBD
  • Intake CBD right at the beginning of the problem, observe a resting regimen

How to boost the action of CBD:

  • Alternate between hot pads and cool compresses
  • Strengthening of the neck muscles (rotational exercises)
  • Sleeping in a position that does not put pressure on the ear

The association of CBD with otitis media is the most frequently mentioned. However, the effect of cannabidiol on tinnitus is also being investigated. Doctors still have no idea where it comes from. But blood pressure fluctuations and excessive stress are in the crosshairs. It is uncomfortable and in many ways limits a person, but over time most only perceive the disturbance subliminally. Even so, noise can cause headaches, restlessness and distractibility or increase sensitivity to stress. Ludwig van Beethoven or Martin Luther and Vincent van Gogh (and many others) also suffered from tinnitus. To this day, they have not been able to conquer the trouble. Patients who take CBD do so not for the possible relief of tinnitus, but to enhance psychological well-being. 


Application of CBD drops directly into the ear canal is possible, but it must be inflammation or other problems in the early stages and ideally combined with compresses and rest. In case of acute complications, a doctor should be consulted.



Author: Canatura

PHOTO: Shutterstock

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