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Can CBD oil increase sex drive?

Can CBD oil also help consumers in their sexual lives? Read on to find out how this substance can affect your body and subsequently your desire for sex. The article also discusses studies and possible side effects that can occur when taking CBD oils.


How does CBD affect the desire for sex?

Although more research is needed to verify the mechanism of action of CBD, both men and women have started consuming CBD  to reduce their sexual nervousness, relieve pain of the sexual organs, increase the desire for sex as well as the pleasure of sex.


CBD and Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

Scientists believe that CBD works by  influencing  the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), a still relatively unknown system associated with some important functions of the human body, such as the activity of the nervous system.

ECS plays a role in the brain's response to inflammation and also regulates the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems.

Researchers need to investigate the exact interaction of CBD and ECS even further. Further research is needed. However, it is quite possible that CBD activates cannabinoid receptors, which trigger a lot of stimulant reactions.

This indirect activation by CBD triggers a physical response and produces anti-inflammatory effects.


Effects of CBD on libido

According to the latest results of research on the ECS, its receptors are also present in sexual organs such as testicles. Nevertheless, there are controversial opinions regarding future developments.

Some studies provide evidence that long-term hemp use in men does indeed lead to a reduction in sex desire. At the same time, however, research has found that occasional use leads to an increase in libido in both men and women

Further research suggests that CBD may be effective against nervousness during sex. Since fear of sex can lead to reduced sexual desire, experts believe that anti-anxiety effects of CBD can in turn increase libido.




Erectile dysfunction

There is evidence that hemp plants have been used as aphrodisiacs since Hindi times. In this part, we describe CBD consumption to improve ejaculatory function and sexual performance among Ayurvedic practitioners.

Although there is still no scientific evidence to support cannabidiol's effects on erectile dysfunction (ED), one of the theories suggests that CBD clears blood vessels, promotes blood circulation, and improves nerve perception. Improved blood flow to the penis can suppress ED, thereby prolonging the duration of sexual intercourse.

There is a study that actually explored the effects of CBD on blood circulation. The study shows that a dose of hemp can lower blood pressure.

Although the focus of the study was on coronary vessels, the same principle can also apply to blood vessels in the groin area.


Sexual reluktance

According to one theory, hemp could influence sexual pleasure by having a direct effect on the brain. The study states that consuming hemp with THC and CBD can increase sexual desire.

Scientists have found that hemp activates those parts of the brain that regulate sexual arousal.

Research also showed that stress and release of the stress hormone cortisol lead to a reduction in sexual desire in women. Since CBD has identical calming effects in both men and women, small doses of hemp with the cannabinoid content could increase sexual desire.

There is also another study that suggests that this cannabinoid improves the sexual experience in a different way. It boosts anandamide concentrations – anandamide is a neurotransmitter linked to oxytocin, one of the "love hormones".

CBD  can also be used to deepen the emotional connection during intimate moments.


Can you last longer thanks to CBD?

CBD can help keep hormone levels in the body in balance. Since the role of ECS is to  maintain homeostasis,  or balance, between different organs and systems in the body, CBD can promote overall well-being. This also includes increasing sexual desire, which could also prolong the duration of the sexual act.

Consumer experience suggests that CBD extracts enhance cognition and promote more intense orgasms. The survey asked 5,398 Americans, 54% men and 46% women, to describe their experiences with CBD use and sex.

The results for men and women are the same, with 72% of men and 76% of women surveyed saying they experienced more intense orgasms. 66% of all participants also said that CBD reduces their sexual nervousness.

Although hemp concentrations were not examined in the survey, it might make sense to try full-spectrum remedies for these purposes. The substances contained in hemp have a synergistic effect.

This is called the side effect. Together, they can improve your sex life more efficiently.




How to take CBD for better sex

Consumers can buy quite a few types of hemp extracts today  . The most common variants on the market are oils, gummy candies, capsules and ointments.
Concentrations of the active ingredients contained in it vary, and you can also choose from full-spectrum, broad-spectrum products and isolates.

 The full-spectrum products, as explained above, contain all the natural compounds found in hemp, including THC.

 In any case, it is noteworthy that THC concentrations found in full-spectrum products are incredibly low, only 0.3%, which is usually not sufficient for a positive result in a drug test.

 Products with the full spectrum of active ingredients are not psychoactive.

 The broad-spectrum CBD is similar in that it contains many natural terpenes, as well as compounds other than THC. The broad-spectrum products also offer the side effect. Isolates, as the name suggests, are only pure CBD concentrates.

 Currently, there are specific CBD products that are designed to increase sexual desire. For example, foods such as chocolates, which contain natural aphrodisiacs in addition to cannabidiol, relax the body and also the mind to achieve arousal without any stress at all.

CBD chewing gums are a classic and can even offer properties of full-spectrum products to unfold the side effect before you sink into intimate moments.

And then there are CBD products for external use that can be used during sex. It can  be facial toners, ointments, healing ointments, body oil, serum and other means. Specially formulated facial toner is supposed to have an effect on the mood, be less fatty and allow cannabidiol to penetrate the skin.

Oils with arousing effects also reduce dryness and the discomfort that comes with it.


Can CBD oil also be used as a lubricant?

So does CBD oil also help as a lubricant during sex? With the plethora of new products flooding the market, it was only a matter of time before someone opened up this market segment as well.

In fact, it's hardly surprising that unofficial evidence points to the effects of CBD in the form of a lubricant.

Since one of the most common uses of cannabidiol is pain relief, it looks like CBD lubricants could be quite beneficial  for women suffering from dyspareunia (the term used to describe disorders that cause pain during sex).

Up to 40% of all women feel pain during sex or have hardly any friends at it – a great opportunity for CBD.

Cannabidiol can also be an effective vasodilator that promotes blood circulation in the area of the sexual organs. When used directly in the form of a cream or ointment, sexual arousal can be increased, which can lead to more intense orgasms.

Users can also use them to relieve pain during sexual intercourse. The same survey also looked at the use of CBD after sex, with 39% of respondents stating that it has medium to high efficacy in relieving post-coital pain.

In addition, 59% of them have stated that CBD products have only moderate to mild effects, while 2% have stated that CBD is not effective at all.


CBD for a better sex life: possible side effects

CBD, like any remedy, can  cause side effects  in some people.

For example, the use of CBD products for external use can lead to allergic reactions. When taking it, you may  feel nausea, drowsiness or loss of appetite.

Daily intake of extracts can also affect the effects of some medications. Before taking CBD, for whatever reason, always seek medical advice. In general, it can be said that side effects of cannabidiol are only moderate.

CBD influences sex life, but also fertility. Research from 2006, although in need of an update, showed that marijuana use reduces the chance of getting pregnant. The development of sperm in men and the rule in women are also impaired.

It is noteworthy that the study also dealt with the influence of THC. Therefore, it cannot be claimed that these side effects also occur when taking pure CBD.

If the topic of fertility is important to you, it's better to reach for products made from technical hemp, which only contain trace amounts of THC but still  contain the CBD oil you need.

However, CBD products are not officially approved for the treatment or prevention of diseases. Consumers take them as dietary supplements, not as medicines.





More research is needed to be absolutely sure that cannabidiol is safe and has a positive impact on our sex lives. However, there is already research to support this thesis – unofficial evidence then speaks for the positive effects of CBD on sex life.

CBD oils promote sex life not only by having anti-anxiety effects, but also by intensifying cognition. Couples can also use hemp products if they want to relieve pain during sexual intercourse – especially products in the form of a lubricant. They can also be used to relieve post-coital pain.



Author: Canatura

PHOTO: Shutterstock

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