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A gloved hand holding a covid-19 test kit

Postcovid syndrome: Will CBD relieve pain, insomnia and anxiety?

Did you take Covid-19 several months ago and still struggle with fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, anxiety or trouble concentrating? Then you may be suffering from post-covid syndrome. What is it, what symptoms does it have, and how can you effectively combat it? Can CBD help?

Cannabis plant with brightly coloured CBD flowers

Using CBD flowers - a beginner's guide

One of the most common ways CBD can be ingested is through CBD oil and vaporizer oil. Another less common but still excellent way is to take CBD flowers, also known as "hemp heads", "CBD heads" or simply "CBD grass". But how should CBD flowers be used? And what are its effects? Find the answers to these and other frequently asked questions in this text for CBD beginners!

What are cannabinoids?

What are cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids such as CBD contribute to most of the therapeutic effects of the cannabis plant. Read on to find out how they work and why they are important. Hundreds of compounds are produced in the cannabis plant. However, the majority of the therapeutic effect consists of only two groups of compounds - cannabinoids and terpenes.We will look at the phytocannabinoids from the cannabis plant (such as CBD, CBG, CBC, THCV), the endocannabinoids produced in the body (anandamide and 2-AG) and their synthetic or pharmaceutical versions used as medicines or illegal drugs.

Reviews of CBD full spectrum and broad spectrum capsules: we tested 5 Czech brands

Reviews of CBD full spectrum and broad spectrum capsules: we tested 5 Czech brands

Sie möchten CBD- oder CBG-Kapseln ausprobieren, wissen aber nicht, für welches Produkt Sie sich entscheiden sollen? Das kann ich verstehen, denn es gibt derzeit viele Hersteller auf dem Cannabismarkt, so dass es nicht einfach ist, das richtige Produkt zu wählen. Deshalb habe ich in letzter Zeit verschiedene CBD-Kapseln ausprobiert, um meine persönlichen Erfahrungen mit dir zu teilen und dir eine Vorstellung von den Vor- und Nachteilen zu geben. In diesem Test habe ich mich auf 4 Vollspektrum-Kapseln mit CBD und CBG und 1 Breitspektrum-Tablette von tschechischen Marken konzentriert. Und ich muss sagen, dass einige von ihnen mich mit ihrer Wirkung buchstäblich umgehauen haben.

What does cellulite look like?

Does CBD help with cellulite? 4 steps to remove cellulite fast

Although cellulite is a completely natural phenomenon, what are we going to say - nobody likes it and nobody wants it on their body. According to statistics, approximately 90% of women and only 10% of men will experience cellulite in their lifetime. In this article, we'll break down what cellulite is, how it arises and where it occurs. Does CBD help cellulite? We look at 4 steps to remove cellulite quickly and introduce oils and peels. Are you ready to take on the battle against pesky orange skin?

What are the most effective herbs for headaches?

What are the most effective herbs for headaches?

Almost all of us will encounter headaches during our lifetime. What herbs are recommended for headaches and migraines? What are the conclusions of scientific studies? In the following article, we will take a detailed look at selected herbs, their effects, uses and other tips on how to combat the pain.

Histamine intolerance: what is it and what effect can CBD have?

Histamine intolerance: what is it and what effect can CBD have?

Histamine intolerance is a condition where the body produces too much histamine or cannot process it fast enough. This can lead to various symptoms such as migraines, rashes, inflammation and digestive problems. What is histamine? What are the symptoms of histamine tolerance and how is treatment, which foods are appropriate and which are inappropriate? What effect can CBD have? Find out in the article.

What are the differences between indica and sativa?

What are the differences between indica and sativa?

Cannabis is a plant that is widely used for a wide range of effects. It contains over a hundred different chemical compounds known as cannabinoids, many of which have beneficial effects on human health. The two best-known types of cannabis are the so-called indica and sativa, i.e. Indian hemp and sowing hemp. These two species differ not only in appearance or origin, but also in their effects on both the body and the mind.

Natural antidepressants without prescription: Do they exist or not?

Natural antidepressants without prescription: Do they exist or not?

The number of people suffering from psychological disorders is constantly growing. The consumption of prescription antidepressants is rising hand in hand with this. However, not everyone is comfortable with pharmaceuticals, and like any medication, antidepressants come with possible side effects. Can we look to nature for help? Is there even such a thing as natural antidepressants? And can CBD contribute to psychological well-being?

Can CBD fight wrinkles?

Can CBD fight wrinkles?

Ageing is a natural thing, yet people (and mostly women) find it very difficult to come to terms with it. They put all their efforts into fighting wrinkles and looking for ways to get rid of them or prevent them. Is cannabidiol capable of doing something like that?

Can CBD cause nightmares?

Can CBD cause nightmares?

CBD users are on the rise, and everyone consumes it for a different reason. But sleep support is one of the most common reasons that bring people to this cannabis compound. Does consuming CBD really bring quality uninterrupted rest during the night, or does cannabidiol have a flip side and can induce nightmares and scares?

Everything you need to know about bioavailability

Everything you need to know about bioavailability

Taking cannabidiol is one thing, but encouraging the body to absorb it as quickly as possible and with maximum effects is another. What is bioavailability, what affects it and how can you support it to get the most out of CBD?

A few drops of CBD oil directly into the ear. Yes or no?

A few drops of CBD oil directly into the ear. Yes or no?

More and more people are considering cannabidiol as a supportive crutch for various health problems. Some effects have already been confirmed, others are unclear. Ears and the problems associated with them belong to the latter group. Can you put a few drops of CBD oil directly into your ear canal?

Can you take antidepressants and CBD?

Can you take antidepressants and CBD?

A large number of people today suffer from depression, according to some estimates, up to around twenty percent of the population. On the one hand, there are antidepressants, on the other hand, natural products, and among them CBD. Is it possible to take them together, or can their effects interfere with each other and is it not advisable to combine them?

What foods can CBD be used with?

What foods can CBD be used with?

As CBD's popularity skyrockets, many newcomers are discovering the hemp world. Are you one of them? You probably have a lot of questions, you want to make sure that cannabidiol is safe and you don't step wrong when using it. In this article, you will learn if there are foods that are better to avoid when consuming CBD.

Can CBD help with hyperpigmentation?

Can CBD help with hyperpigmentation?

Flawless skin is every woman's dream, but the reality is often quite different. A few freckles no longer upset anyone, but problems with hyperpigmentation can have a negative impact on the psyche, self-esteem, perception of one's own body or, in extreme cases, lead to social shunning. Can CBD remove unwanted "marks" on the skin?

Does CBD affect circadian rhythms?

Does CBD affect circadian rhythms?

Time is accelerating and the focus on performance is growing. The perception of the needs of one's own body often goes by the wayside, and over time health complications mount. Can CBD keep the circadian rhythm in balance?

Can you overdose on CBD?

Can you overdose on CBD?

Cannabidiol gives the impression that it can positively affect all kinds of health ailments and relieve "everything" that ails a person. However, you cannot take it without limitations and, according to the Czech proverb that too much of everything is bad for you, it is not worth exceeding the recommended dose. The problem is that no one has yet determined how much CBD is just right.

Can CBD be helpful when trying to get pregnant?

Can CBD be helpful when trying to get pregnant?

Cannabidiol can work on many fronts. But whether it can have any effect on child conception and the gestation period is still a big unknown. Has research revealed ways to use CBD when trying for a baby, or is its use taboo?

Does CBD relieve reflux?

Does CBD relieve reflux?

Regular use of cannabidiol can have positive effects on human health. While some effects have already been confirmed, others require further research and testing to say for sure that CBD intake makes sense. Does this include reflux?

Can CBD direct high cortisol levels?

Can CBD direct high cortisol levels?

There are many ways a person can fight elevated cortisol levels. One goes for a run, another uses relaxing gels, another adjusts the diet or tries to sleep at times. This guide will focus on the connection between cortisol and CBD.

Will CBD relieve carpal tunnel syndrome?

Will CBD relieve carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is accompanied by searing pain, the condition worsens rapidly and the chances of improvement diminish. Cannabidiol may be helpful, but it does not take away the trouble with a wave of a wand. A new regimen needs to be set up and the wrist relieved.

Can CBD prevent cold sores?

Can CBD prevent cold sores?

Over seventy percent of the population has the herpes simplex virus in their bodies. It usually alternates between phases of rest and activity, when the virus manifests itself as a painful, fluid-filled sore - a cold sore. The only thing left to do is to search and try what helps. CBD, with its anti-inflammatory effects, could have a chance of success, relieving the problem and even acting as a preventative.

Can CBD improve eyesight and eye health?

Can CBD improve eyesight and eye health?

A myriad of possible effects have been mentioned in relation to cannabidiol. But the eyes have always been off to the side. Could CBD have a positive effect on vision problems, and thus be helpful in trying to protect one of the most important human senses?

Can CBD deal with brain fog?

Can CBD deal with brain fog?

Until recently, it was a fairly unknown concept. In recent months, however, the phrase has become more and more common. The reason is simple. More and more people are suffering from it, regardless of gender or age. Long gone are the days when brain fog was waved away with the idea that all you needed was a few hours' sleep and a good meal.

TOP 10: Best CBN and CBD sleep drops

TOP 10: Best CBN and CBD sleep drops

Endless tossing and turning in bed, inability to fall asleep, insomnia, insomnia. Although almost all of us encounter sleep problems during our lives, it does not pay to downplay them. According to available statistics, up to 60% of Czechs suffer from sleep problems. Chronic insomnia, the most common type of sleep problem, affects a large proportion of them.

Lyme disease is a tough nut to crack. What about CBD?

Lyme disease is a tough nut to crack. What about CBD?

Ticks have a premium in the summer months. They occur almost everywhere and get more aggressive every year. Lyme disease, which these inconspicuous parasites can cause, belongs to a group of mentally and physically very demanding diseases. In fact, treatment is only effective if it is diagnosed early.

Does a lot of CBD induce the same conditions as THC?

Does a lot of CBD induce the same conditions as THC?

Research and studies are gradually chipping away at the package of prejudices and misconceptions surrounding cannabis. And they are revealing the truth. Sometimes it plays in the plant's favour, sometimes not. But cannabidiol definitely belongs in the first group.

CBD text and C21H30O2 molecular structure display on hemp plant background

CBD and its effects: how does CBD work and what can it do?

In recent years, the attention of scientists, doctors and patients themselves has turned to CBD. Animal studies and early clinical trials suggest that it has significant therapeutic potential - from anti-inflammatory to neuroprotective to psychiatric uses. Want to know how CBD works in the body, which therapeutic effects of CBD seem most promising, and what types of products contain CBD? Let's take a look.

CBD vs. THC: differences, effects, health benefits and common myths

CBD vs. THC: differences, effects, health benefits and common myths

Both CBD and THC are compounds derived from the cannabis plant, known as phytocannabinoids. Although the two substances act in slightly different ways, they share a therapeutic potential. What are the effects of these cannabinoids? Is CBD or THC better for pain? And what are the most common myths that accompany them?

CBD drops in the role of a nootropic

CBD drops in the role of a nootropic

Cannabidiol has a variety of benefits and positive effects. While the effects on brain function are being mentioned more and more in studies, this is still not the main reason to choose CBD. Too bad. Research suggests that the effects are huge.

CBD drops and rosacea - a solution on the horizon

CBD drops and rosacea - a solution on the horizon

Rosacea may seem like a trivial ailment that you wave your hand over, but any patient will confirm that it is a major inconvenience that limits comfort and parasitizes self-esteem. Fortunately, CBD can partially replace prescription drugs and show what's in it.

Anandamide: the path to a happy life

Anandamide: the path to a happy life

Anandamide or AEA is an endocannabinoid that has been nicknamed the "bliss molecule". But what exactly does that mean and what is the relationship between anandamide and cannabinoids like THC and CBD?

How important is the concentration of CBD oil?

How important is the concentration of CBD oil?

CBD drops are available on the market with different parameters and everyone can choose what suits them perfectly. However, it can be tricky to go by concentration alone. Direct proportionality is not an option in this case.

CBD capsule dosage and its pitfalls

CBD capsule dosage and its pitfalls

CBD has long been a sidelight of interest. People with sleeping problems or autoimmune diseases and depression are increasingly looking to cannabidiol for solutions. CBD capsules have positive effects on the human body and many user reviews only confirm this.

Main differences between pure CBD and full-spectrum CBD extract

Main differences between pure CBD and full-spectrum CBD extract

Public awareness about cannabidiol (CBD) immensely increased in the last years. People use it to mitigate various ailments and choose from countless feasible ways of consumption: it is possible to swallow it in capsules or oil, apply ointment to the skin or inhale. Generally, however, it is true that you can choose from two basic and fundamentally varying types – vegetable extract or extract with a high content of CBD (often called as “full-spectrum”) or purified CBD (so-called isolate).

Which dosage of CBD to choose for your pet dog

Which dosage of CBD to choose for your pet dog

CBD gives us hope when helping dogs, cats and other pets which have to go through various diseases. However, finding the right dosage of CBD can be difficult. In this article, we will share some basic tips about the dosage of CBD for dogs (It can be applied in cats). You will find everything you need to know about the dosage of CBD oils and capsules in the article.

CBD and cancer: can CBD oil be used to fight the disease?

CBD and cancer: can CBD oil be used to fight the disease?

Cancer is a serious disease that kills millions of people worldwide every year. Scientists are therefore still trying to develop an effective drug that will reliably kill cancer cells. The lay and professional public is also pinning their hopes on cannabis. Can cannabinoids such as CBD help cancer patients? And if so, in what way?

A glass bottle filled with CBD oil next to a hemp plant

REVIEW: 7 best CBD drops for beginners

On the Czech market we can find a plethora of brands and variants of CBD oils. And it is not easy to find your way around them. Especially if you are a newcomer and want to try CBD drops for the first time. To help you get your bearings and make your decision easier, we've selected 7 CBD oils that are great for beginners and those who are comfortable with lower concentrations of CBD.

What is CBD, and what can it do?

What is CBD, and what can it do?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid present in the cannabis plant. For a long time, it has stood in the shadow of its psychoactive and dope-causing cousin – tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Holidays with CBD or where can you get the green light?

Holidays with CBD or where can you get the green light?

Travel abroad is now common even several times a year. However, packing and contemplating what will pass without problems and what is already over the edge is a problem. All the more so when you're clutching a bottle of CBD oil in your hand and don't want to give it up at any cost. Some places won't even notice you, others will threaten you with jail time.

Does CBD oil contain THC?

Does CBD oil contain THC?

Some CBD oils contain traces of THC. But is that enough to cause psychoactive effects or fail a drug test? Read on to find out everything you need to know about the THC in CBD oil.

How to use CBD due to arthritis and joint pains

How to use CBD due to arthritis and joint pains

You will be surprised what smoking marijuana can do to joint pains. CBD does real miracles to people who suffer from joint pains. It can naturally help due to the treatment of pain, increase nimbleness and improve the general quality of life.

What is the entourage effect in cannabis?

What is the entourage effect in cannabis?

Much has been written about the entourage effect, yet it is still one of the most puzzling and often discussed assumptions about cannabis and its research. In the following text, we will present the history of this theory and give you an understanding of why it could be the future of medical cannabis.

Why do MMA fighters use CBD?

Why do MMA fighters use CBD?

Nate Diaz used a vaporizer pen containing CBD during the press conference following his loss to Conor McGregor at UFC 202. Why are so many MMA fighters now advocating the use of CBD? In this article, we'll look at the benefits of using CBD in muscle recovery, chronic pain, anxiety, sleep support and more, and look at the major big steps CBD producers are taking in this exciting development in MMA.

CBD for sleep disorders: Insomnia, fatigue, and more

CBD for sleep disorders: Insomnia, fatigue, and more

Many people consider CBD a valuable tool in treating sleep disorders such as insomnia, insufficient sleep, and restless legs syndrome. Sleep disorders cause changes in sleep modes or habits that negatively affect health. They are surprisingly common, affecting 50 to 70 million adults in the United States. Unfortunately, most doctors prescribe medications to combat sleep disorders rather than try to manage the problem naturally.

CBD vs. Kratom - pain, sleep & energy

CBD vs. Kratom - pain, sleep & energy

CBD and kratom offer similar pain-fighting and sleep-promoting benefits. Which option is better? At first glance, kratom and CBD are very similar. Both products come from natural plant sources and offer many of the same benefits. CBD and kratom are used to relieve chronic pain, promote deeper and restorative sleep, and alleviate anxiety and depression. While there are many similarities between the two plant extracts, kratom and CBD are very different.

Will you pass a drug test after taking CBD oil?

Will you pass a drug test after taking CBD oil?

Taking CBD oil is unlikely to cause a positive drug test, but there are a few things to watch out for. Let's take a look at how drug testing works, how long they can detect the presence of cannabis in the body, and what products to use and which ones to avoid if you're due for a drug test.

What does CBD oil taste like?

What does CBD oil taste like?

Whether you're new to CBD or have been using it for a while, one question that comes up almost every time is the taste of CBD oil. While some don't mind the taste, which is described as nutty or grassy, many others don't like it. But did you know that there are different ways to mask, enhance or eliminate it?


How can CBD help seniors?

You've probably heard of CBD and its effects, you may even have personal experience with the cannabinoid, but you've probably wondered if your grandmother, grandfather or older friends could benefit from CBD just as much as you. In the following article, we'll look at what CBD can help seniors with and what to look out for.

What to do if CBD doesn't work for you

What to do if CBD doesn't work for you

It can be a little daunting to think that CBD isn't working for you the way you think it should. While everyone's experience with this cannabinoid will vary, it's definitely worth finding out the root cause of why it's not working so that you too can enjoy the potential benefits CBD has to offer.

How independent third-party CBD testing works and why it's important

How independent third-party CBD testing works and why it's important

Third-party testing of CBD products serves as proof that what a company claims for its product is true. The industry is highly unregulated, leading to unethical CBD manufacturers artificially inflating and lying about the CBD content in their products. Some companies even sell products that may be contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, or other harmful substances.

3 Evidence of CBD use for promoting reproductive health in men and women + CBD  side effects

3 Evidence of CBD use for promoting reproductive health in men and women + CBD side effects

CBD offers several unique benefits for maintaining reproductive health in both men and women. While there is some evidence to suggest that CBD may be useful for making intercourse more enjoyable, the most significant improvement comes from its ability to alleviate performance anxiety. Other benefits include its ability to alleviate various health ailments involving inflammation or pain in the reproductive organs.

6 uses of CBD in promoting mental health and well-being with evidence + side  effects of CBD

6 uses of CBD in promoting mental health and well-being with evidence + side effects of CBD

We should note that CBD is not an approved treatment for any mental health issues. It helps promote mental health and well-being when used in combination with other therapies. This usually involves dietary and lifestyle changes, the use of professional counselling or other supplements and medications. If you are suffering from serious symptoms of a mental health disorder, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible before turning to natural supplements such as CBD.

Six Positive Effects of CBD oils

Six Positive Effects of CBD oils

Hemp is still considered as a recreational drug, and the use of its products raises a number of controversial questions. At the same time, the beneficial effects of the substances contained in this remarkable plant are gradually being pointed out. Research has indicated in the past few years that CBD, which is legally attainable in the forms of extracts, shows very valuable therapeutic potential.

5 proofs that CBD guarantees perfect and above all healthy skin

5 proofs that CBD guarantees perfect and above all healthy skin

We live in a time when self-love and inner beauty reign supreme, but there is no denying that a person's face represents and says a lot about their ability to consistently care for and relate to themselves. But this is not always the case. Give CBD products a chance and enjoy the transformation for the better.

5 evidence of CBD's use in protecting the nervous system (it is neuroprotective)

5 evidence of CBD's use in protecting the nervous system (it is neuroprotective)

CBD is a neuroprotective substance, which means it can preserve the function and structure of the neurons that make up the central nervous system. These specialised cells are highly sensitive to damage from oxidative or inflammatory compounds. Autoimmune diseases, prion diseases, genetic polymorphisms and others can lead to neuronal damage.

Antibiotic resistance and CBD

Antibiotic resistance and CBD

Antibiotic resistance is a serious problem in the modern world. CBD can help by blocking the ability of bacteria to resist their effects. The common bacteria MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is responsible for more deaths per year than HIV. Every year, more and more strains of infectious bacteria are becoming resistant to our medicine. In addition, only 1 new class of antibiotics has been developed in the last 30 years. At these current rates, we will soon be unable to defend ourselves against infectious diseases. Cannabis offers a unique solution to this problem. Many of the cannabinoids in the plant prevent bacteria from resisting the drugs we use to kill them. In this text, you will read how cannabis is effective in preventing drug resistance and what its limitations are.

8 ways to administer CBD oil to your cat (tips & tricks)

8 ways to administer CBD oil to your cat (tips & tricks)

If you own a cat, you know how picky these lovely creatures are when it comes to food. Cats are notorious for their fussy food choices, and CBD oil is no exception. Luckily, by combining our knowledge and feedback from cat owners, we've compiled a list of the best tips and tricks for giving your cat CBD oil.

Seven tips for beginners on how to use CBD products

Seven tips for beginners on how to use CBD products

When one enters the world of cannabinoids, especially cannabidiol (CBD), they can find it challenging to get oriented in all types of products and understand their consumption methods. Perhaps you have heard about some of CBD’s natural therapeutic properties, which has helped you make up your mind and include it in your diet. But what if you do not know how exactly to use products with this non-psychoactive cannabinoid? You are about to find out in the following text.

7 practical tips and tricks for better CBD absorption

7 practical tips and tricks for better CBD absorption

Imagine heading to the store and spending a lot of money on a high-quality CBD oil that has undergone lab testing, only to find that the product doesn't deliver the expected results. Men and women are frustrated in this case and are trying to figure out what happened. The CBD market today remains unregulated and a number of things can go wrong.

CBD and autism: can CBD help with its manifestations?

CBD and autism: can CBD help with its manifestations?

Cannabidiol is a natural substance from the cannabis plant that has gained enormous popularity over the past few years. It has a wide range of potential benefits for the human body, as well as the ability to help with the suppression of many symptoms of various health complications. In addition, it is a safe substance, and even in relatively high doses does not pose any major health risks to humans. There is hope that CBD can also help with the symptoms of autism and autism spectrum disorders. What do we know so far?

CBD & Sport: Seven reasons why athletes should use cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD & Sport: Seven reasons why athletes should use cannabidiol (CBD)

The ability of CBD to support health is what makes it a perfect choice for athletes. Here is a list of seven reasons why CBD is so beneficial to them. The therapeutic value of CBD is already very well-proven. It turned out that this compound is an effective painkiller, promotes sleep, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Can you build up a tolerance to CBD?

Can you build up a tolerance to CBD?

CBD has many benefits for the mind and body. But is it possible, as with other substances, to develop a tolerance to it?

The human body adapts very well to different substances over time. One way it does this is by building up a tolerance to frequently used substances. When it comes to addictive substances, this tolerance often leads people to use more of them to achieve the same state of 'high' or to reset their system by taking a break from the substance. But does the same apply to CBD?

CBD and libido: Can CBD improve your sex life?

CBD and libido: Can CBD improve your sex life?

Read on to find out how you can use CBD to increase libido and improve sexual experiences. CBD lubricants starting with CBD oils. For better sex, CBD can be used in the form of lubricants to help reduce pain or oils to relieve erectile dysfunction related to nervousness. For men who suffer from pain during sex, low libido, erectile dysfunction, PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), HSDD (Hypoactive - reduced sexual desire) or nervousness about the anticipation of performance, CBD may offer a solution. We look at all the ways CBD can help improve sexual desire and performance. We'll also look at its limitations and when to avoid using CBD products altogether.

CBD and anxiety: How it works and recommended regimen of using CBD

CBD and anxiety: How it works and recommended regimen of using CBD

One of the most common uses of CBD is to help relieve anxiety. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disease in the USA. They affect about 40 million adults – or 18,1 % of the population. The most common medical anti-anxiety procedure in the USA is the use of pharmaceutical medicaments, such as benzodiazepines, buspirone, antidepressants and beta blockers. It is, however, important to notify that these pharmaceutical medicaments – which have often serious side-effects – are not the only option of treatment. Except for therapy and self-care you can integrate CBD into your curative regimen for relief from anxiety with use of plants. And the best thing is that CBD is non-toxic, non-addictive and has very little (if actually some) side-effects.

CBD and pregnancy - what you should know

CBD and pregnancy - what you should know

Cannabidiol has tremendous potential. Consumption of CBD, in whatever form, should be avoided, for example, by patients with impaired liver function, people with low blood pressure or allergies to cannabis. And pregnant women. The health risks are doubled for those who are not.

CBD and recovery after hip surgery

CBD and recovery after hip surgery

Total hip arthroplasty is a relatively common procedure, usually associated with older age. However, they may not experience a positive outcome without proper rehabilitation. Could CBD be a way to bypass or at least lessen the pain that accompanies healing after surgery?

CBD and plantar fasciitis

CBD and plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of a painful heel. In many cases, it occurs along with a heel spur, a relatively small bony growth, but one that can cause great distress. With the growing awareness of cannabis extracts and their effect against inflammation and pain, the question becomes: can CBD help in this case too? 

CBD and libido: Can CBD improve your sex life?

CBD and libido: Can CBD improve your sex life?

CBD in the form of lubricants helps reduce pain, CBD oils can be used for erectile dysfunction related to nervousness and Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. It could also help women who suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Want to know how to improve sexual desire and performance? What is low libido and how to increase it in women and men?

Is cannabidiol safe for breastfeeding mothers?

Is cannabidiol safe for breastfeeding mothers?

It is natural that as parents you want only the best for your children. But life with them can be a rollercoaster, and a few drops of CBD oil could help women. What about taking CBD during breastfeeding? In our article, you'll find everything nursing mothers should know about CBD.

CBD and its effect on liver function

CBD and its effect on liver function

Cannabidiol is associated with a variety of effects and is a popular way to relieve many ailments such as pain or inflammation. However, its possible negative effect on the liver has also been mentioned. What do the studies say and how big is the risk?

CBD dose calculation - How to do it?

CBD dose calculation - How to do it?

The optimal dose of CBD depends on your bodyweight and the efficacy of the oil you are taking. Use the information in this text to learn how to precisely dose CBD. Everyone is talking about CBD oil and its long list of health benefits. You have found your high-quality CBD oil, bought it, and you're ready to get started. What to do next?

CBD and migraine: Cannabis can help with headaches

CBD and migraine: Cannabis can help with headaches

Migraines are repeated intense headaches often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.  Migraines are prevalent, and more than 38 million people suffer from them in the United States. Pharmaceutical drugs such as triptans, ergotamine, opioids, beta-blockers, and antidepressants are most commonly used to treat migraines.

CBD and metabolic syndrome: What are its benefits?

CBD and metabolic syndrome: What are its benefits?

CBD offers several benefits for metabolic syndrome and blood sugar regulation.

It works as follows: Metabolic syndrome is a dysfunction of energy production and storage in the body. The body loses the ability to effectively maintain blood sugar levels and fat storage goes into overdrive. CBD offers a number of benefits for people with metabolic syndrome - addressing both the underlying cause and some of the common side effects of the disease. In this text, we'll look at what metabolic syndrome is, how it works, and how you can use CBD to alleviate the symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.

CBD oil and tattoos

CBD oil and tattoos

While tattoos are nice to look at, on the other hand, they are a very strong interference with the integrity of the skin. Without consistent care of the affected area, the result will be poor. Can CBD oil act as a treatment and speed up healing? 

CBD oil for dogs with cancer

CBD oil for dogs with cancer

Although no natural cancer treatment in dogs is known, this article will refer to scientific research on CBD oil and various aspects of treating cancer in dogs using this cannabinoid. We hope you will find enough helpful information and become well informed when it comes to your pet's best interests.

CBD oil - hemp or coconut, pure or flavoured. How to choose correctly?

CBD oil - hemp or coconut, pure or flavoured. How to choose correctly?

Whether you're considering trying CBD oil for the first time or have already had your first experience, our article can help you decide which "CBD drops" will suit you best - in taste, composition and concentration. This is because the CBD oils you'll commonly find on the market vary in many ways and, especially for first-time users, the range can be confusing. What criteria should you use to make the right choice? What is MCT oil and what are its benefits, how do broad-spectrum and full-spectrum extracts differ, and why is this all good to know?