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Healthy lifestyle

The entrepreneur feels stress and work strain, has trouble concentrating

CBD and concentration: useful tips to improve concentration

You come to work, you make coffee, you sit down at your desk with the idea that you will finish the project today, you prepare your presentation for next week and you deal with all the emails, but no matter how hard you try, your thoughts run in all directions. You know this situation intimately, don't you? Then you'll be interested in our article today. We'll present you with some simple tips to help you stay focused and improve your productivity. And of course, we'll also look at whether CBD can boost concentration.

More types of herbs for vaporisation

Vaporisation: enjoy the power of spring herbs

Spring. Trees and shrubs start to turn green and prepare for a new phase of life. For us, spring is a great opportunity for a new beginning. The spring season directly encourages cleansing treatments. Did you know that a number of herbs can help you cleanse your body and are most potent and effective at this time of year? Herbs in spring contain many nutrients, minerals and vitamins and have powerful detoxifying effects. Their proper use will support our immune system, cleanse the liver, kidneys and digestive system and generally help our bodies after the more challenging winter season. One option to enjoy the full effects of legal herbs is vaporization.

What does cellulite look like?

Does CBD help with cellulite? 4 steps to remove cellulite fast

Although cellulite is a completely natural phenomenon, what are we going to say - nobody likes it and nobody wants it on their body. According to statistics, approximately 90% of women and only 10% of men will experience cellulite in their lifetime. In this article, we'll break down what cellulite is, how it arises and where it occurs. Does CBD help cellulite? We look at 4 steps to remove cellulite quickly and introduce oils and peels. Are you ready to take on the battle against pesky orange skin?

Psychedelics and their potential in the treatment of mental illness

Psychedelics and their potential in the treatment of mental illness

Everyone has probably heard of LSD, magic mushrooms or ayahuasca. Hallucinogenic substances are shrouded in myth and arouse curiosity. But not everyone knows that they can also be used in therapy. Learn how psychedelics can help and why current research is focusing on their use in patients with depression and anxiety.

Natural antidepressants without prescription: Do they exist or not?

Natural antidepressants without prescription: Do they exist or not?

The number of people suffering from psychological disorders is constantly growing. The consumption of prescription antidepressants is rising hand in hand with this. However, not everyone is comfortable with pharmaceuticals, and like any medication, antidepressants come with possible side effects. Can we look to nature for help? Is there even such a thing as natural antidepressants? And can CBD contribute to psychological well-being?

Does CBD affect circadian rhythms?

Does CBD affect circadian rhythms?

Time is accelerating and the focus on performance is growing. The perception of the needs of one's own body often goes by the wayside, and over time health complications mount. Can CBD keep the circadian rhythm in balance?

Can CBD deal with brain fog?

Can CBD deal with brain fog?

Until recently, it was a fairly unknown concept. In recent months, however, the phrase has become more and more common. The reason is simple. More and more people are suffering from it, regardless of gender or age. Long gone are the days when brain fog was waved away with the idea that all you needed was a few hours' sleep and a good meal.

CBD and anxiety: How it works and recommended regimen of using CBD

CBD and anxiety: How it works and recommended regimen of using CBD

One of the most common uses of CBD is to help relieve anxiety. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disease in the USA. They affect about 40 million adults – or 18,1 % of the population. The most common medical anti-anxiety procedure in the USA is the use of pharmaceutical medicaments, such as benzodiazepines, buspirone, antidepressants and beta blockers. It is, however, important to notify that these pharmaceutical medicaments – which have often serious side-effects – are not the only option of treatment. Except for therapy and self-care you can integrate CBD into your curative regimen for relief from anxiety with use of plants. And the best thing is that CBD is non-toxic, non-addictive and has very little (if actually some) side-effects.

6 uses of CBD in promoting mental health and well-being with evidence + side  effects of CBD

6 uses of CBD in promoting mental health and well-being with evidence + side effects of CBD

We should note that CBD is not an approved treatment for any mental health issues. It helps promote mental health and well-being when used in combination with other therapies. This usually involves dietary and lifestyle changes, the use of professional counselling or other supplements and medications. If you are suffering from serious symptoms of a mental health disorder, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible before turning to natural supplements such as CBD.

CBD for sleep disorders: Insomnia, fatigue, and more

CBD for sleep disorders: Insomnia, fatigue, and more

Many people consider CBD a valuable tool in treating sleep disorders such as insomnia, insufficient sleep, and restless legs syndrome. Sleep disorders cause changes in sleep modes or habits that negatively affect health. They are surprisingly common, affecting 50 to 70 million adults in the United States. Unfortunately, most doctors prescribe medications to combat sleep disorders rather than try to manage the problem naturally.

How consumption of cannabis influences muscles growth

How consumption of cannabis influences muscles growth

A healthy and fit body is the result of regular training, healthy diet and discipline, to give up smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. Therefore, marijuana is usually consumed by smoking, many sportsmen consider it a better alternative to alcohol because alcohol negatively influences the growth and regeneration of muscles. Do not sportsmen who smoke marijuana, however, face more than just lung damage?

CBD & Sport: Seven reasons why athletes should use cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD & Sport: Seven reasons why athletes should use cannabidiol (CBD)

The ability of CBD to support health is what makes it a perfect choice for athletes. Here is a list of seven reasons why CBD is so beneficial to them. The therapeutic value of CBD is already very well-proven. It turned out that this compound is an effective painkiller, promotes sleep, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Will cannabis kick or not kick the endocannabinoid system?

Will cannabis kick or not kick the endocannabinoid system?

Contrary to common perceptions, cannabis use does not actually directly strengthen the endocannabinoid system, but rather suppresses it. In this article, you will read about the consequences of this and what is behind the "strengthening" of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Cannabis enthusiasts usually have the idea that cannabis use "boosts" the ECS. Although phytocannabinoids such as THC mimic endocannabinoids, their effects are not always predictable. In fact, cannabinoids like THC can disrupt and inhibit endocannabinoid system which may not always be beneficial.

How to stimulate the endocannabinoid system?

How to stimulate the endocannabinoid system?

The endocannabinoid system is still relatively unknown, but it is involved in the function of all organs in the body. You can support it not only by increasing your intake of cannabinoids, but also by eating a balanced diet and living an active lifestyle.

How cannabis works: Endocannabinoid system in detail

How cannabis works: Endocannabinoid system in detail

What does exactly happen if you use cannabis? Many users know about deep effects on the human body but hardly anyone understands how they come about. Chemical compounds in hemp influence endocannabinoid system (ECS), a central component of health and abilities to undergo treatment in every human and almost every animal. Scientists estimate that ECS developed in primitive animals more than 600 million years ago. Endocannabinoids and their receptors can be found in the brain, organs, connective gland, glands and immune cells in the whole body. The system is responsible for managing a broad scale of physiological processes, including mood, memory, pain feeling, appetite and regulation of psychoactive effects of cannabis.

Microscopic image of molecules of the endocannabinoid system that interact with the cell surface, showing the complexity of cell signalling associated with this system

What is the endocannabinoid system?

Why do cannabinoids and other compounds from cannabis have a beneficial effect on the human body? How is it possible that CBD can relieve stress or inflammation, and what causes THC to induce changes in perception? It has to do with a complex biological system that is found in the body of all mammals, not excluding humans. This is the endocannabinoid system, which was discovered in the late 1980s and early 1990s and has been the subject of research ever since.