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Different colored disposables, how long do disposable vapes last

Disposable vapes: How long do they last?

One of the main advantages about disposable vapes is their affordability. Even the smallest disposables usually last at least a few days, but it depends on a few factors. How long do disposable vapes last and what affects their lifespan? In the following article you will find the answer to these questions and we will also present useful tips to extend the "life" of your device.

Green question marks surround a white colored cannabis leaf, which is CBG9

What is CBG9 and what are its origins and effects?

We've already had CB9, but what is CBG9? CBG in the name is not a coincidence. What is the origin of CBG9 and what do we know about its effects? What products does it come in? Is this cannabinoid safe? We'll explore in the article.

Psychedelic cannabis leaves on a neutral coloured background

THCO: What's the truth about it being a cannabinoid with psychedelic effects?

Although marijuana has remained illegal and stigmatised in many parts of the world for decades, the passage of the US Farm Bill has allowed cannabis-derived substances to enter the commercial market. In this article, we will introduce THCO, a cannabinoid that not only has a mysterious history but also a reputation associated with psychedelic properties. What are its effects, what is behind its production and how does it differ from other cannabinoids? Find out.