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Reviews of CBD full spectrum and broad spectrum capsules: we tested 5 Czech brands

Reviews of CBD full spectrum and broad spectrum capsules: we tested 5 Czech brands

Sie möchten CBD- oder CBG-Kapseln ausprobieren, wissen aber nicht, für welches Produkt Sie sich entscheiden sollen? Das kann ich verstehen, denn es gibt derzeit viele Hersteller auf dem Cannabismarkt, so dass es nicht einfach ist, das richtige Produkt zu wählen. Deshalb habe ich in letzter Zeit verschiedene CBD-Kapseln ausprobiert, um meine persönlichen Erfahrungen mit dir zu teilen und dir eine Vorstellung von den Vor- und Nachteilen zu geben. In diesem Test habe ich mich auf 4 Vollspektrum-Kapseln mit CBD und CBG und 1 Breitspektrum-Tablette von tschechischen Marken konzentriert. Und ich muss sagen, dass einige von ihnen mich mit ihrer Wirkung buchstäblich umgehauen haben.


Is HHCP the most potent cannabinoid?

HHC-P is a newly discovered cannabinoid that is said to be even more potent than HHC. It may relieve stress or induce a feeling of euphoria, but it also carries the risk of possible side effects. Find out how HHC-P differs from its predecessor, how it works and where to find it.


What is CB9? Origin, effects, availability and comparison with other cannabinoids

We have a new addition to the cannabis family! A newcomer among cannabinoids, CB9 stands out with its unique chemical structure. Let's explore what CB9 is, how it is formed and what its structural properties are. We will also look at its effects and therapeutic potential. Want to know if it has psychoactive properties? And how does it compare to the cannabinoids CBD, H4CBD, HHC and THC? Find out in this article.

A man researches the cannabis plant cannabinoid THCH

What is THCH? Production, effects, risks and comparison with other cannabinoids

Cannabis is a fascinating, mysterious and complex plant. Whenever scientists try to unravel its mysteries, new discoveries are made. And the latest discovery includes the minor cannabinoid THCH. It's said to be another powerful cannabinoid with psychoactive properties. In this article, we'll explore what THCH is, how it's produced, its effects, risks, and how it compares to THC, THCP, and THCV.

The cannabinoid HHCH - its effects and risks

What is HHCH, what are its effects and risks?

The cannabis industry has undergone remarkable developments in recent years. Although the industry seems to be releasing new cannabinoids all the time, some date back as far as the 1940s, and this is also the case for the compound HHCH. Where did it come from, what are its effects and what are the risks? Are products with HHCH safe? We will answer in the article.

Psychedelic cannabis leaves on a neutral coloured background

THCO: What's the truth about it being a cannabinoid with psychedelic effects?

Although marijuana has remained illegal and stigmatised in many parts of the world for decades, the passage of the US Farm Bill has allowed cannabis-derived substances to enter the commercial market. In this article, we will introduce THCO, a cannabinoid that not only has a mysterious history but also a reputation associated with psychedelic properties. What are its effects, what is behind its production and how does it differ from other cannabinoids? Find out.

Exploring the cannabis plant, what is THCJD

The cannabinoid THCJD: What are its effects and how does it differ from other cannabinoids?

New or "rediscovered" cannabinoids are constantly being discovered, so it may be hard for you to keep up with all the news. That's why we're here to keep you informed. Today we're going to introduce you to another member of the "new cannabinoid" category, a compound that goes by the name THCJD. What is its structure and effects? How does it differ from THC or THCP?

THCB Guide: production, effects, research and legal status

THCB Guide: production, effects, research and legal status

150 minor cannabinoids have already been identified in the cannabis plant, and one of these lesser known cannabinoids is THCB. Although this appears to be a new cannabinoid, its origins date back to the 1940s. Find out what THCB is, how it is produced, what potential effects it holds and how it compares to other cannabinoids.

Different colored disposables, how long do disposable vapes last

Disposable vapes: How long do they last?

One of the main advantages about disposable vapes is their affordability. Even the smallest disposables usually last at least a few days, but it depends on a few factors. How long do disposable vapes last and what affects their lifespan? In the following article you will find the answer to these questions and we will also present useful tips to extend the "life" of your device.

Psychedelics and their potential in the treatment of mental illness

Psychedelics and their potential in the treatment of mental illness

Everyone has probably heard of LSD, magic mushrooms or ayahuasca. Hallucinogenic substances are shrouded in myth and arouse curiosity. But not everyone knows that they can also be used in therapy. Learn how psychedelics can help and why current research is focusing on their use in patients with depression and anxiety.