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Green Pharmaceutics inhalator


Cannabis sown

Sown cannabis: What are its effects and uses?

Demonized by some, loved by others. In any case, sown cannabis is currently the subject of extensive scientific research. Although it has traditionally been used as a technical plant for carpet or paper production, it has also been used for a variety of health problems. In this article, we will look at what specific uses or effects cannabis has.

What does cellulite look like?

Does CBD help with cellulite? 4 steps to remove cellulite fast

Although cellulite is a completely natural phenomenon, what are we going to say - nobody likes it and nobody wants it on their body. According to statistics, approximately 90% of women and only 10% of men will experience cellulite in their lifetime. In this article, we'll break down what cellulite is, how it arises and where it occurs. Does CBD help cellulite? We look at 4 steps to remove cellulite quickly and introduce oils and peels. Are you ready to take on the battle against pesky orange skin?

The entrepreneur feels stress and work strain, has trouble concentrating

CBD and concentration: useful tips to improve concentration

You come to work, you make coffee, you sit down at your desk with the idea that you will finish the project today, you prepare your presentation for next week and you deal with all the emails, but no matter how hard you try, your thoughts run in all directions. You know this situation intimately, don't you? Then you'll be interested in our article today. We'll present you with some simple tips to help you stay focused and improve your productivity. And of course, we'll also look at whether CBD can boost concentration.

More types of herbs for vaporisation

Vaporisation: enjoy the power of spring herbs

Spring. Trees and shrubs start to turn green and prepare for a new phase of life. For us, spring is a great opportunity for a new beginning. The spring season directly encourages cleansing treatments. Did you know that a number of herbs can help you cleanse your body and are most potent and effective at this time of year? Herbs in spring contain many nutrients, minerals and vitamins and have powerful detoxifying effects. Their proper use will support our immune system, cleanse the liver, kidneys and digestive system and generally help our bodies after the more challenging winter season. One option to enjoy the full effects of legal herbs is vaporization.